Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Touch stone

Yesterday I started running. It was warm summers day, and my running buddy and I took to the road towards Jonkershoek. We kept going for an hour, afterwards keen to know how far we went, we drove back up. And it was a surprising 5.5km! We were so chuffed and in awe of ourselves.

So today we were at it again, we did 8km. It wasnt planned so, but we felt good and the views in Jonkershoek were amazing so we kept going.

I had aches and pains, mere little bodily irritations although my spirit was strong and I wasnt tired.

Its unfortunate that it gets dark so quickly now. Come summer its going to be great.

So two new challenges have been highlighted. We are doing a 5km race in a month and we are going all the way to Jonkershoek reserve in the next few weeks on a Saturday morning. Whoop whoop!

I am barely in the swing of things and my She-ro, Ironlady suggest I do Two Oceans with her next year. Nothing like making a commitment to someone else to get you in the game.

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